
To Be Empowered…

What is it to be empowered? What does that mean? If you look it up online, “To make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights” is the first definition that’ll pop up. So, feeling empowered is another way of saying you feel confident and strong in who you…

Love & Dating Abroad

When I decided to post a poll on my instagram prompting my followers to decide what this weeks blog post would be about, it should have been obvious to me that the majority would vote for the topic of love. I mean, what’s more important than love? The choice for this weeks blog was between…

Me, My Thoughts and I Alone in Bondi

If you would have told me 9 months ago that I would be sitting here writing about the 2 months I spent living in Sydney, Australia, I probably would have laughed. To past Talia, that would have sounded like a crazy dream. A true step into the unknown. Australia is one of the farthest places…