7 Quotes Of The Week

Every week I’ll update this page with 7 quotes I’d like to highlight! These will be quotes that had a significant impact on me when reading them and prompted me to share them with you. My wish is that some of you may connect with them as well!


“Always forgive and sleep with a clean heart.”


“Drink from the well of yourself and begin again.”

Charles Bukowski

“You give life to what you give energy to.”


“Always be kinder than you feel.”


“The beauty of you is how you wear who you are.”

Timothy Egart

“Other people’s opinion of you, whether it’s good or bad, should not be grounds in which you base your self worth. Your value is inherent within you. What matters the most is whether you know you are worthy.”

Ash Alves

“His timing, not mine.”



“People say a lot. So, I watch what they do.”


“We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.”

Chuck Palahniuk

“Make people feel good about themselves.”


“The true art of listening is to hear what was not said.”

Michael Lipsey

“I am still learning.”


“Normality is a paved road: It’s comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow.”

Vincent van Gogh

“You can get over someone and still miss them on some days.”

The Random Stories


“Things will never be the same, and you know this all too well, but I hope you are still able to hold onto the beautiful stories you have to tell.”

Morgan Harper Nichols

“Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.”


“Stay kind. It makes you beautiful.”

Najwa Zebian

“It will all make sense one day.”


“Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.”

Winnie The Pooh

“Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.”

Dr. Sukhraj Dhillon

“We get to choose who we let into our weird little worlds.”

Good Will Hunting


“Your soul is attracted to people the same way flowers are attracted to the sun, surround yourself only with those who want to see you grow.”


“Some of the most beautiful people in your life are people you’ve yet to meet.”


“You are the greatest project you will ever work on.”


“Don’t settle for nice, for pleasant, for familiar. Keep looking until you find something that really moves you, that resonates with your core. And I mean this for people, for interests, for hobbies, for your possessions, clothes, music, books, art. Everything. Curate every aspect of your life, as much as you can. It’s in the things that deeply inspire us that we find ourselves. Surround yourself with the truth, and you’ll have built yourself a heaven.”


“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”

Mo Willems

“You’re not too sensitive. You’re not overreacting. If it hurts you, it hurts you.”


“There’s no such thing as being completely ready. You’re never going to feel like you’ve got everything sorted and all figured out. If you get to the place where you’re just a little bit more excited than afraid, that’s when you go for it. That’s when you go all in. To hell with playing it safe.”

The Better Man Project